FoSTaC Training Services In India

The FoSTaC programme is aimed at creating a pool of food safety supervisors (FSS), who are trained in good hygiene and manufacturing practices as per requirements in Schedule 4 of Food Safety and Standards Licensing and Registration Regulations, 2011

FoSTaC training and certification is a large-scale program by FSSAI. It provides food business operators with the knowhow to maintain quality and safety at their workplace. This has been made mandatory for all Central, State licensed businesses by FSSAI.

FSSAIā€™s Objectives for FoSTaC training and certification:

  • To enhance the availability of skilled/ trained manpower in the food industry.
  • Creating an improved environment of self-compliance to FSS Act, Rules and Regulations by the responsible Food Businesses.
  • Bringing a behavioural change and inculcating a culture of Food safety in the country.
FoSTaC Training Services
In the view of addressing the training needs of all types of food businesses at various levels in the food system, a total of 19 courses at three levels, basic, advanced and special have been developed. Later, it was re-structured into Basic, Advance and Awareness courses with a total of 25 courses (24+1 self-learning course). Also, it includes a provision to add more sector specific courses to the current course structure as per the demand.
  • Basic
  • Advanced and
  • Awareness
FSSAI has created training content for the courses, and the same is available in English and translated into other regional languages.
A total of 950000 above food safety supervisors have been trained in over 32000 trainings throughout the country after the initiation of the FoSTaC by FSSAI.

Availability of FoSTac Courses

Basic Courses

Advanced Courses